Procurement Act 2023
Information for framework suppliers
The Procurement Act 2023 represents a significant reform to the current procurement rules, aiming to enhance the way public sector organizations procure supplies, services, and works. This new legislation will streamline procurement processes, making them more efficient, transparent, and accessible for suppliers. With a focus on driving innovation, sustainability, and value for money, the reforms are designed to reduce complexity and increase flexibility, allowing suppliers to better compete for public sector contracts.
Suppliers involved with NWUPC frameworks can expect a more straightforward process, offering greater opportunities for collaboration and growth.
The Transforming Public Procurement programme aims to improve the way public procurement is regulated in order to:
- create a simpler and more flexible, commercial system that better meets our country’s needs while remaining compliant with our international obligations.
- open up public procurement to new entrants such as small businesses and social enterprises so that they can compete for and win more public contracts.
- embed transparency throughout the commercial lifecycle so that the spending of taxpayers’ money can be properly scrutinised.

Benefits for Prospective Suppliers to the Public Sector.
The Procurement Act 2023 introduces several new concepts into procurement law, as well as adopting some new terminology for concepts we are already familiar with. Mills and Reeves have created a useful Procurement Phrasebook to help you make sense of the new language.

Check the Transforming Public Procurement page at the UK Government Website for regular updates as we prepare for the new legislation.
On the 12th September 2024 a Written Ministerial Statement was published in Parliament announcing that the new regime will go live on 24th February 2025, a short delay of four months from the previous go-live date of 28th October 2024.
Existing legislation will apply until the new regime goes live, and will also continue to apply to procurements started under the old rules.
A new National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) will now be developed. It is important the new regime commences with a statutory NPPS aligned to the Government’s strategic priorities – creating a mission-led procurement regime which builds on the transformative powers within the Act, and which meets the challenge of applying the full potential of public procurement to deliver value for money, economic growth and social value.
Once completed, this new NPPS will replace the National Procurement Policy Statement which was laid in Parliament by the previous government on 13th May 2024 and which will now be withdrawn.
To receive regular updates and alerts when guidance material is published, you can join the UK Gov mailing list.
To support preparation for the Procurement Act 2023 the UK Gov are publishing a suite of guidance documents addressing all aspects of the new regime, covering subjects from transitional arrangements and covered procurement through to pre-market engagement, award rules, exclusions and contract modifications. Publishing this guidance in batches, with all documents available by the end of June.
View the guidance page or select from the documents below.
There will be a learning and development programme to support those operating within the new regime, available free at the point of delivery. This will be rolled out to meet the varying needs of stakeholders across the public sector and will be complemented by traditional published and online guidance.
You can find the official Learning & Development Brochure which outlines the comprehensive, centrally-funded learning and development package for contracting authorities being provided by the Cabinet Office. This will help you decide which of the learning and development options are most suitable for you and your team’s needs and what actions you need to take in the coming months to plan your training programme to ensure you don’t miss out on the benefits and flexibilities of the new regime. We encourage you to share with colleagues and teams across your organisation.