Resources & Tools


We have created this page to provide resources that support responsible procurement in the Higher Education sector. You will find useful information, documents and external links.

HE TOMs (Higher Education Themes Outcomes and Measures)

Whilst we all aspire to do better, sometimes knowing where to start, and how to demonstrate social value is a challenge that delays progress. We are pleased to introduce, free for you to download and use locally, a new tool which will help you: The HE TOMs.


A national task force made up from the Social Value Portal, UKUPC and member institutions has been working collaboratively to identify a solution which enables organisations to procure, measure, manage and maximise social value in procurement activity in a consistent way and define the benefit in £’s.

Modern Slavery

Slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking (Modern Slavery) are issues of increasing concern, pertinent to all regions, sectors and economies. NWUPC Ltd has a Sustainability Strategy and Policy which demonstrates our commitment to Responsible Procurement. This is underpinned by the PEL Sustainable Procurement Policy, adopted by all consortia members of UKUPC, our shared vehicle for managing developmental and improvement projects for collaboration in English higher education procurement.

As part of our approach NWUPC have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and strive for transparency within our supply chains.

Electronics Watch

Guided by workers’ rights and priorities, Electronics Watch uses worker-driven monitoring to detect problems in factories.


NWUPC Ltd has joined Electronics Watch as an affiliate member on behalf of members as well as ourselves from 1st September 2019.


Electronics Watch is an independent monitoring organisation set up with the purpose of protecting the rights of workers within supply chains. Their focus is on working with public sector organisations who purchase electronics and collaborating with them to have a positive impact on workers through the goods the public sector procures.

Sustainable Procurement Documents

External Guidance Documents